It’s early for Christmas lights, but when you’re trying to save your sugar snap peas from an early cold snap, you do whatever it takes! Hopefully, between the floating row cover and the heat from the lights, I can save at least some of the existing pea pods and the new blossoms.

Comments Off on It’s early for Christmas lights, but when you’re trying to save your sugar snap peas from an early cold snap, you do whatever it takes! Hopefully, between the floating row cover and the heat from the lights, I can save at least some of the existing pea pods and the new blossoms.

Yesterday was chicken processing day here at Avalon Farms. Today is tasty chicken soup day here at Avalon Farms. This one is mine. You can get your own pasture raised non-GMO stewing hen at Look under meats, poultry in the store. This week’s market closes Tuesday at 5 pm.

Comments Off on Yesterday was chicken processing day here at Avalon Farms. Today is tasty chicken soup day here at Avalon Farms. This one is mine. You can get your own pasture raised non-GMO stewing hen at Look under meats, poultry in the store. This week’s market closes Tuesday at 5 pm.