I’m a scrounger from way back. Before it was cool to repurpose thrown away things. Got this beauty from a “material recovery project” aka tearing down an old building for the wood. Whoever had lived there left a garden bed full of mixed bulbs. It’s been fun seeing what they are.

Comments Off on I’m a scrounger from way back. Before it was cool to repurpose thrown away things. Got this beauty from a “material recovery project” aka tearing down an old building for the wood. Whoever had lived there left a garden bed full of mixed bulbs. It’s been fun seeing what they are.

Gleaning, the process of going along and getting the leftovers after the harvest, is mentioned in the Bible several places. Gleaning is good for the next crop, good for the land, and good for the pocketbook. Here we’re gathering up leftover hay cuttings to use as clean mulch in the gardens. It’s about as sustainable as you can get 😀

Comments Off on Gleaning, the process of going along and getting the leftovers after the harvest, is mentioned in the Bible several places. Gleaning is good for the next crop, good for the land, and good for the pocketbook. Here we’re gathering up leftover hay cuttings to use as clean mulch in the gardens. It’s about as sustainable as you can get 😀